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With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful HeartGeneral Visit blog6/16/2012

Lorraine Hebler

With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful Heart  | Visit  

I am a wife of thirty-seven years to my kind and loving husband, John.

 We have four daughters (our middle two are twins) and ten grandchildren that we have a blast with.

My saving faith in Jesus as my Savior is central in my life and I am ever thankful to Him.
I hope to honor God with my blog and bring encouragement and awareness to others of his exceedingly great love toward everyone of us and his desire for a personal relationship with us.

I thoroughly enjoy hospitality, including cooking, baking, and being with people and making them feel loved by filling their tummies with something from my kitchen.  My youngest daughter tells me, 'I'm way too friendly', and asks if I 'have to talk to everyone I meet?'
(guilty as charged)

I enjoy genealogy research, flowers (indoor & outdoor... well anywhere for that matter). I like knitting, crocheting, Scherenschnitte, cutting and folding paper projects and photography.

I/we do lots of DIY projects, not really because we like the work but because we like saving money.  Most everything in our home have been a hand-me-down, garage sale or curb find.

I love mornings, quiet evenings, tea parties with my granddaughters, snowflakes, the color white, fireworks, and baby feet.

Oh, I love dogs too.