Tynga's Reviews
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My real name is Cindy but have been browsing the internet as Tynga for 8 years now. I am a 26 years old French Canadian from Montreal and I work as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease, surgery and transplant, my specialty is hematology, coagulation and blood bank.
I live in Montreal with my new husband *squeee* and our two cats.
I have multiple passions, obviously books are very high on the list. I am also a huge hockey fan (Go HABS Go!) and I love arts, may it be photography, drawing, painting or messing around on Photoshop.
If you’ve been following my blog a little while, you already know that I read almost exclusively books of the Paranormal genre and YA Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy are my favorites =) I recently started reading Dystopian and Steampunk though and I’m loving it!