Hi there,
my name is Roberta, and I'm an Italian ex-teenager (erm...let me say it out loud...EX...as in, it's a long time since I was one) with a huge penchant for YA books. So huge I decided to set up a page where to indulge in this guilty pleasure of mine. Yet another YA review blog? No, it's not. This one actually features refreshing books you don't often see reviewed. I decided to blog YA myself after I found out that most of the books I had read (and enjoyed a lot) were largely absent from the blogs I happened to visit, usually because they weren't getting enough advertising. My aim is to give a spotlight to some maybe overlooked, but often worthy novels - new and, well, newish. This is the place for Afterlife, Supernatural, Sci-Fi, Multiverse, Thriller, Contemporary, and occasionally Adult Lit. - with a whole section devoted to Mr. Christopher Pike!
So, well, I hope to see you on my blog. Don't be shy, leave a comment and it won't go unnoticed - because I will always reply AND visit your page in return!
Have a nice stay on Offbeat YA!