Greetings, my name is Iesha and I'm glad that you could stop by for a visit. I'm just a girl who enjoys rooms filled with antiques and vintage items but hates the clutter that is often associated with it. Those rooms are pretty to look at, but for me there is no way I could exist in them.
So, my goal is at Uncluttered Lifestyle is to share how I surround us with the items we love, while keeping the "stuff" to a minimum. In fact, often times I use the antiques and vintage items to organize our home.
I would love it if you came along as I try to balance filling our 1920's bungalow in the country with vintage finds all while staying true to our design aesthetic (yet to be determine... its a mismash of various styles... LOL) and my desire to not surround myself with "a lot of stuff."
Once again thanks for taking the time to visit. Take care and happy blogging!