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My Blogs:

Blog Name 
Blog Description 
Last Posted Date 
GivingNSharingGeneralBook Reviews for Teen & Adult Books (ages 16+), Cooking, Health and Life in general.Visit blog5/15/2012
Classic Children and BooksGeneralDedicated to encouraging strong family relationships through reading and playing together. We host reviews & giveaways, various kids book events and we have our annual Summer Book Club for Middle Grade Kids.Visit blog3/25/2012


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Welcome to my blogs! Please feel free to link up to my:

Blogs: Classic Children's Books  (Kids books from age 0 to 15'ish. 

Blogs: GivingNSharing  (Adult books, mostly Christian based, age 16+), some cooking, health, reviews, giveaways and life in general.

Facebook Page: Tina's Reading Room

Google+:  Tina 'the book lady'

Twitter: @familyliteracy