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Scattered Musings of A Creative MindGeneral Visit blog2/29/2012


Scattered Musings of A Creative Mind  | Visit  

My blog is little scattered pieces of me and my life as a mom and grandma, and a big part of my sanity, all creatively scattered with bits of my heart and soul. I have many hobbies which include, writing, cooking, scrap booking, sewing, home decorating, crafts and around the house DIY projects. I tend to find myself scattered and involved in a few projects at once, oddly enough it works for me.

I have been married to my hubby for almost 8 years. I am a mother of 5 children, 2 sons (26 and 11) 3 daughters (25,22,20) and I have 3 adorable grand children (7, 3 and 3 months).

I’ve been through some hard times and I’ve learned to find the positive, make the most of the situation. I am not perfect and I’ve learned many of lesson from trial and error. Life is short and it’s better to live the life we’re given to the fullest, than dwell on the what ifs. I never regret something that at one point made me smile. I might be considered a silly romantic, a day dreamer and on some days a snob.

I began blogging in 2010 as a way to share my thoughts, life experiences and place to document some of my crafts, writings, and odd projects I find myself doing. You will also find reviews on various products, websites, and other assorted things.

I am happy that I can share all my thoughts and creativeness with you.