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Future ImperfectBooks Visit blog6/17/2012
The Egypsy SpeaksPop Culture Visit blog6/3/2012

P.I. Barrington

Future Imperfect  | Visit  

I am an ex-entertainment industry maven...well, maybe not  maven...sort of worker bee maven in pretty much all sectors of "the industry" from radio (air talent) to music (major record label) to film/televsion all over the place. I'm also an ex-journalist. So what does that leave? Novel writing. I have several novels out, novellas, short stories and one self-published novel, Isadora DayStar, as if you haven't seen the profile pic!! I write in several genre': sci-fi noir/dark; fantasy, paranormal, crime thrillers(futuristic) and yes even a western coming up!

I live in Los Angeles (where else?) and doodle around in my flower garden and I LOVE weather--we don't get much here--and traveling.  I blog about writing on my Future Imperfect blog (Future Imperfect being the first published trilogy that spawned the title) and everything from entertainment to travelogue on The Egypsy Speaks!

Should you want to check out my work: http://

Isadora DayStar: