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Castles In The Air: Author Quinn Cullen's ScribblesGeneral Visit blog2/20/2012

Quinn Cullen

Castles In The Air: Author Quinn Cullen's Scribbles  | Visit  

Quinn Cullen is a multi genre author. Her writing includes paranormal romance/erotica, horror and poetry. Her novel, a work in progress and yet to be titled, is a paranormal thriller/romance/erotica tale of love at first sight and a battle between good and evil which takes place in the present, on earth and in the heavens. Her love for her characters, the immortals (including fallen angles and Satan) and mortals alike encourages her to forge ahead with this adventure. Quinn began writing as a young girl, while life as a mother and wife required her to put her writing career on hold she has now many years later returned to her love of the written word. A long time New England resident, Quinn feels fortunate to be living in an area that affords her the privilege of all four seasons, enjoying the fringe benefits of the different climates that each one has to offer. In awe of its overwhelming brute force and mystique, Quinn's favorite place on this wonderful earth is by the ocean.